Thursday, January 3, 2013

Day Two

I have a sick obsession with instagram.  I'm pretty sure it's abnormal and terrible.  I have always been obsessed with photos - my walls are covered.  It's a place where I can post my photos and also be uber accepted... it really is terrible.

Why do we as people crave the attention so terribly?  Social media creates monsters in all of us.  People can "like" us but not dislike us.  We don't actually need to communicate anymore either.  I mean, what is the point of even speaking?  Type it up, post it, and delete any negative comments.

Today reminded me why I love my job so much.  I've found that when I am only observing or having office days, I feel useless and out of control.  I feel like I am terrible at my job and have no idea what I was doing.  When I am able to teach, I feel amazing.  I feel productive.

It's exhausting.

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